Frequently asked questions

Illness and cancellation policy

-If you are ill, please cancel your appointment with at least 24 hrs notice to avoid being charged

-Please do not come to the studio sick

-Please cancel your appointment if you are showing any symptoms of illness i.e. runny nose, scratchy throat, headache, body aches, body fatigue, fever, dizziness, etc

-If you are symptomatic, please do not ask me to decide whether or not you should come in

-Please do consider and take responsibility for your part in collective care by not attending sessions or public classes symptomatic or sick

What is trauma-informed

The trauma-informed approach to movement focuses on somatic exploration, learning to listen to your own body and its moment-to-moment sensations, and encouraging appropriate and healing responses. 

A healing response is as unique as the individual choosing it and as such, trauma-informed practices promote self-empowerment through offering simple options and choice.  There is an emphasis on normalizing the range of emotions, needs and actions of each individual, recognizing that mindful and healing movement practices cannot be one-size-fits-all. 

Because trauma responses are often referred to "being stuck in the past", or a "dis-ease of time", and because the physiological responses of PTSD are very real and happen in real time, there is a consistent focus on being in the present moment and consciously noticing the breath to re-regulate the nervous system and hold space for what may arise and then dissipate. 

The goal of trauma-informed practice is to promote safety and healing, and to avoid re-traumatization.

What is pilates?

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, founded on the philosophy that our greatest health comes with a balanced body, mind and spirit. 

It emphasizes spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, and developing a strong core, consisting of the pelvic floor muscles, the transversus abdominus, the multifidus, the diaphragm, the muscles of the inner thigh, and the muscles of the sitting bone area. 

Pilates' system allows for different exercises to be modified in range of difficulty from beginning to advanced. Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises.  The principles of Pilates include breath, awareness, strength, fluidity, control, grace, balance, precision, efficiency and flexibility.  The exercises focus on the core muscles to support better posture and skeletal alignment, stabilization, organ function and ease of movement. 

The Pilates method, combined with the fundamentals of functional movement (moving in the way our joints are designed to move), is a powerful tool for injury rehabilitation, poor posture, chronic pain, SI (sacro-illiac) joint issues, pelvic floor dysfunction, auto-immune disorders, arthritis, pre-post natal, spinal column issues, disc herniation/fusions, and more. 

Pilates focuses on refining HOW, and with which specific muscles, you move, stretch, strengthen and condition, resulting in efficiency and ease of movement.