“Angelina's class has given me a new relationship with my core. Not just in the physical sense, but also in the sense of honing in on what is at the core of my essence. The classes are an incredible work out—that does not seem like work! Angelina has a great sense of humor and teaches her students to be kind to themselves. I always come out of her class feeling happy, strong and like I can do anything..”
— Jen R.
“Having never tried Pilates before I had all these preconceived notions of what it was. In Angelina's class I immediately knew I was in the right place for myself. Her gentle yet reassuring
instruction combined with her knowledge of the body and breath is amazing. Some classes I feel as if I need more space than other classes and somehow Angelina has the ability to intuit, giving me exactly what I need. When Angelina moves my body to show me
how a pose can be altered to achieve maximum benefit, her touch is like a lightning bolt of nurturing and healing energy. Every time I leave Angelina's class I am amazed that I can be simultaneously so relaxed as well as energized. I am more aware of my body and my rhythms. Pilates has become an integral part of my life and I feel lucky to have such a gifted teacher.”
— P. Miller
"Angelina creates a safe and sacred atmosphere of exploration in breath work and asana. The awareness, intensity, and nourishing quality of her presence is powerfully transformative. All at once, one's spiritual, emotional and physical core are synthesized and strengthened. It's as if one's whole being becomes harmonized."
— Beth M.
"Yoga with Angelina is my dessert for the week! I have not always treated myself and my own body with integrity. Practicing with Angelina I am learning to inhabit my body and mind in a more genuine, compassionate way. As I have learned to treat myself better, I have more to give to friends, family, work and community. One of the main reasons I am devoted to Angelina is the constant emphasis in her classes on taking your yoga practice "off the mat" and out into the world. She weaves asana, philosophy and ethics together in a challenging, playful manner. As someone whose work and life consists of relationships, I find her classes a time I can regenerate and get better connected with myself and as a result, those around me.
-Becca K.
"For over a year now, I have rejiggered my schedule countless times in order to go to Angelina’s classes at Yoga Union. Angelina is a wise, kind, and challenging guide. She leads her classes with a unique balance of gentle compassion, deep knowledge, joyful wit, and palpable passion. In her classes, she masterfully cultivates an environment of both individual exploration and collective community. Encouraging each student to explore their own path and listen to their own heart, she makes each class a personally challenging adventure and soul-opening experience. The value and impact of Angelina’s classes are long-lasting and spirit-altering, and I’m looking forward to continuing on my yogic journey with her for years to come."
-Jen V.
"With Angelina, each class is an adventure in self-discovery. Her knowledgeable, powerful yet gentle teaching style encourages both an awareness of physical alignment as well as inner listening as we ride our breath through frustration, discouragement, challenge, joy and relief. Angelina's humor can entertain and her compassion serves to support on our way to truth, strength, and healing on all levels."
-Michele G.
"After a long work week of travel, there is nothing I look forward to more than my yoga and Pilates class with Angelina. Angelina creates the perfect combination of stretching, strengthening and healing. She has the unique ability to give everyone in a full class personal attention. When the class ends, my body feels balanced and relaxed and I can't wait for the next class to come around. Angelina has helped change my work outs from something I have to do to something I can't wait to do."
-Kelly S.